Running for 1000+ days straight.

Otto Wanders
6 min readOct 15, 2021


Weekly Report CW41

Well, I did not expect to make my run #1000 in Castellón España. That was a great surprise and so beautiful to run at the beach. I recorded a message during this celebration run for all the people who want to achieve more in life. I’m going to share a simple concept here, let’s go!

A message for people who want to achieve more 🚀

Nothing more to add here. It’s all in the video. But I’m always happy to talk about this topic, so feel free to shoot me a comment 😊

The Mucho Fun Boogie was fantastic!

After a week full of fun, we have received almost only five stars feedback. We are already debriefing and setting notes into a yearly plan to make the following year’s boogie even better. Here is a sneak peek video where these amazing folks try to take off their panties in the air. It’s fantastic!

Take off their panties while falling from 14000 ft.

Back in the cold on Sunday at 6.30 am

After a short Sunday, I used Monday to sign off my OKRs for quarter 4. I’m curious about the additional helping sheets to track daily progress. This quarter, I track how many times I go up at 5 am and go through my OKRs, and set daily tasks. This kind of tracking sheet is new to me. But I’m super curious how well it will work to stick to a performance rhythm.

When setting ToDo’s in the morning, I use three ToDo-Lists to get things done.

  • The Front Burner List (the pro-active list)
    - Only 6 pro-active items
    - Every item has a time allocated
    - Total time can’t exceed 6 hours
  • The reactive list (things that come up during the day)
    - I just add them to this list and go back to the task at hand.
    - I don’t attack them until the first list is done.
    - Total time spent per day can’t exceed more than 2 hours.
  • The Back Burner List
    - Everything that can wait or be attacked someday
    - No time allocation
    - List to remember things for later

When I review my OKRs in the morning, I shuffle items on the lists to ensure that I get ahead on the most important things. I’m surprised how much I’ve done this week. Another important rule is to say no when other people’s tasks can hurt my OKRs.

I always have this next to me when I’m working. When calls come in, or someone wants me to help on their project, it has to wait for the next quarter. I feel much more focused already and can’t wait to see the results in December.

Why does Sarah outperform Peter?

Imagine two people cutting trees. Peter cuts for 8 hours, Sarah cuts for 2 hours. By the end of the day, Peter asks Sarah why she performed better. Sarah tells Peter that every morning, she sharpens her saw for half an hour. I adapted this metaphor from Chet Holmes.

Sharpening the saw means learning.

As mentioned above, during this quarter, I’m tracking my performance. Every morning during weekdays, I go up at 5 am and learn for an hour. Reading or listening to a topic, then writing notes down. By the end of this year, I want to have sharp skills in sales. So I picked three books for this quarter’s OKRs, and I’m going to analyze them. The notes below about buyers type come from Brian Tracy’s book “Psychology of selling” absolutely worth reading, even if the book cover might scare you.

This morning, I’ve learned something about buyers types. I’m in the last category. What category suits you?

All 6 Buyers Types search for improvements:

~5% The Apathetic Buyer: They are pessimistic, cynical, and often depressed or uninterested. They are not going to buy it, even if you give it away. Go and talk to someone else who will be more likely to buy.

~5% The Self-Actualizing Buyer: If you have what they are looking for, you are going to make the sale immediately, right now, no questions. They are positive, pleasant, and a pleasure to deal with. These buyers are as rare as the apathetic buyers. In dealing with self-actualizing buyers, always sell them exactly what they say they want.

~24% The Analytical Buyer: The primary motivator for them is accuracy. Slow down and be exact. Be prepared to prove on paper everything you say. They need to be left alone with your material to reflect on and analyze it. They will often come back with a series of questions for clarification. Don’t rush. Make sure they understand your product. They are far more concerned about making the correct decision than about saving money or speeding up the transaction.

~22% The Relater Buyer: They care a lot about relationships. They imagine what people’s opinions might be, positive or negative. They are often hypersensitive to the opinions of other people. They need to be liked. When dealing with a relater buyer, they always have to talk it over with someone, often with lots of people. Focus and demonstrate other happy customers and build a relationship. They may want to spend an hour or two getting to know you, and then have you come back and spend another hour or two on building the relationship. Don’t rush them. Important note: They can decide to buy your product and then change their minds completely if one other person voices criticism or disapproval of their decision.

~22% The Driver Buyer: They are direct, impatient, and want to get straight to the point. Their greatest concern is getting results. So get straight to the point with them. No small talk and no relationship building. Driver Buyers want to get to the bottom line quickly and make a decision, yes or no. They only want you to answer the question: “What’s in it for me?”

~22% The Socializer Buyer: They have a nice balance between people-orientation and task-orientation. They like to talk about achievements and results. Their chief concern is themselves and other people. So they want to know about you and enjoy telling you about themselves. Sometimes they agree quickly and a few days later forget about it completely or, even worse, remember the conversation differently. With this type of buyer, “understandings prevent misunderstandings”, so put things on paper. You can always tell when you meet a socializer-type buyer because they will be warm, friendly, outgoing, interested in you, and they will ask a lot of questions.

The Five Friday Questions (CW41)

I end every week with a Friday Report and five questions, as we implemented it at OnSaPa GmbH to keep a consistent feedback relation.

What was good?

  • Held an excellent skydiving event in Spain with fantastic feedback
  • Landed another upcoming freelance job
  • Received great feedback for a previous freelance job
  • Set all OKRs for Q4 and sticking to it
  • I went up at 5 am from Tuesday on
  • I had my run 1000 celebration in Spain
  • Time tracked the whole week and tasks
  • Supported my partner in various meetings
  • Created a PitchDeck to get 150k for my partner
  • Created a video script for a crowdfunding Campaign
  • Prepared all contract documents for 40% job
  • Prepared the project management for a partner in Q4
  • Prepared a marketing strategy for another partner
  • Read and learned every morning and wrote down notes
  • Received payments from a partner
  • Helped a friend to understand OKRs
  • Mind isn’t scattered anymore because of a performance rhythm
  • We start the development of a partners app next week.
  • I have scheduled a meeting next week with GMUNK to learn how he is managing time. I can’t wait for this one ❤

What to look at in the future?

  • Eat more healthy foods and not in front of a screen
  • Drink less coffee. It makes strange feelings in the breast

What was shitty?

  • No shitty stuff this week.

What should stay as it is?

  • Holy shit, this kind of pace is lovely! 🚀

What was neglected?

  • Nothing.

I will be back next week with new updates.

Enjoy a wonderful weekend!




Otto Wanders
Otto Wanders

Written by Otto Wanders

I love to help people achieve more ✨

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