The quick report

Otto Wanders
3 min readSep 17, 2021


Weekly Report CW37

Time is running out for this brief report, but also this whole quarter. When I look at my OKRs-printout from this quarter next to my computer screen, I see that an entire Objective is missed. I don’t know if I can create parts of it next week or if this whole objective goes to quarter 4. I like about this quarter seeing so much revenue going in on people that I’ve helped. For me, income goes in on selling art. OnSaPa is prepared to deal, but I still didn’t start prospecting and selling. The actiongalerie-project is still untouched. It’s the objective mentioned above. So, where I was weak, this quarter was on selling my services. But I was great at helping people selling theirs. In the following weeks and last quarter, I’m going to focus most on selling my services. They are ready and set up.

Selling my digital art.

Selling my art right now is an oxygen mask to survive. In the past 14 days, I made revenue of 6k. It’s the 500 Everydays artwork that gets sold most. There are 20 editions. This is like having 20 prints of one painting. On every edition, I go up with the price a little bit in Ethereum.

So edition 5 was 0.555 edition 6 was 0.666 edition 7 starts at 0.777. Doing this until edition 20 is sold moves all previous collectors to the end price of edition 20. I want to make edition 20 an auction so that the price for every single edition rises even further than 2 ETH. Collectors who come first will benefit most. Imagine you buy edition 7 for 0.777, and edition 20 gets sold for 2.0 ETH. You make an increase of 1.223 ETH, which is right now $ 4331, just by buying and waiting. Check it out here:

The Five Friday Questions (CW37)

I end every week with a Friday Report and five questions, as we implemented it at OnSaPa GmbH to keep a consistent feedback relation.

What was good?

  • Made another $2600 with edition 6/20 (NFT)
  • A collector is going to put my digital art on his wall (digital frame)
  • The concept to sell my 20 editions works
  • Changed to new shoes, because the old ones hurt in the leg (running)
  • I had two meetings to collaborate with software companies (WOP)
  • Uploaded a new creation to MakersPlace (NFT)
  • Meeting a prospect on Monday with a great new product
  • Wrote down 50/235 reasons why to
  • Published the first version of
  • Received a freelance motion design job for next week
  • I started to hang up a few brushes for
  • Helped last Saturday after the festival to dismantle the event

What to look at in the future?

  • Don’t check your emails all the time because of the NFT sales
  • Learn to sell better from sales experts, practice with actiongalerie
  • Publish the actiongalerie and sell/rent physical paintings
  • Create a german version of
  • Print some business cards, people start asking after my elevator pitch
  • Check-in next week with yourself for OKRs final week(s)

What was shitty?

  • I forgot that I won't work today because I’m at a wedding

What should stay as it is?

  • Selling NFTs as a side income rocks

What was neglected?

  • I had not enough time to finish a design job for my brother.

I will be back next Friday.

Enjoy a wonderful holiday!




Otto Wanders
Otto Wanders

Written by Otto Wanders

I love to help people achieve more ✨

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