To help people achieve more
Weekly Report CW 21
This week, I went back to the core of my personal WHY during preparation for a group's WHY-discovery on Saturday. When I look back to the stories I gathered with my partner one year ago, “achieve more” was the main impact we discovered for myself. For contribution, it was “to help” to “coach” to “assist”.
Because the personal WHY of a founder is the same as his professional WHY I made the Why-Statement more clear for OnSaPa:
“To help people achieve more, we guide them long-term, put their imaginations into words and those words into action.”
— OnSaPa™: Strategy for entrepreneurs
Let’s look at it a bit closer:
Contribution: to help people,
Impact: achieve more
Our partners define for themselves what “more” means to them. What OnSaPa does is helping them to get there, but How?
We help them long-term, to put their imagination into words and these words into action.
Without action, you can’t achieve more. Short-term gains don’t last like nobody becomes an athlete in one day. Pure imagination is just a fuzzy dream… and entrepreneurs are the greatest dreamers out there. So they get ultra frustrated when their dreams stay dreams. They want to make them real. So we stay long-term until they get real, and then we repeat, make more dreams real—goal after goal.
So how we do it is by bringing people On The Same Page with their imagination, with words, with clarity, with teamwork. So that everyone contributing is and stays On The Same Page. We crystalize together, what matters most for our partners. What they want to be remembered for. What they believe they can achieve in and after their lifetime. And then, we use methods like our StrategyGuide and OKRs to guide them along. Week after week. And What is this called? As the founder, I call this our strategy to help entrepreneurs achieve their desired impact.
Strategy for entrepreneurs.
Goosebumps, hello!
A few minutes ago I went to buy some coffee. After leaving the store, this contributing word “to help” traveled through my mind “to help people…” —and then it happened: goosebumps. I saw myself as a kid giving people in all kinds of ways “assistance” and “help” to achieve more themselves. When I was nine years old, my main hobby was entering a chat and talking to strangers of all ages about their challenges. I helped a stranger for one year, getting really good at a video game, created training maps, and showed him all the tricks I’ve learned years before. He later entered the European top league—amazing! Then I entered my career in the design field.
When I worked as a full-time designer, I couldn’t help people the way they actually needed it most. I thought design does the job to make them achieve more—and in the short term—it often did. Better sales, better recognition in the market… But it wasn’t really long-lasting. And it was most frustrating when they changed their minds all the time. I started more and more realizing that the design wasn’t helping at the core of what clients were looking for. Especially in companies without structure, where I saw this huge potential in the individuals—I was most frustrated. I’m happy and fulfilled today that I’m in the middle of this shift into a field where my contribution can make my desired impact.
I feel fulfilled.
After getting deeper clarity about my beliefs and my core driver, I can tell I feel fulfilled. I love to help people making real progress—and more and more people and groups start turning to me looking for exactly this: To partner up to achieve more. So let’s do it and see where this goes—I can’t wait to link to all the partner’s projects when they became tangible.
My biggest weakness
I forgot on May 25 the first anniversary of my company. It was a Tuesday, and Tuesdays are always packed with partner’s check-ins. So it was a good day anyway.
But yeah, sometimes I forget to “really” celebrate my own successes. This is probably my main weakness. Sorry :> ah yeah, here comes the second thing I should have celebrated more this week…
5005 kilometers run streak!
My main motivation to start running every day was to become more committed to life and the people around me. I can tell you; simple and consistent rules work to follow through ;) at least 10 minutes of running every day, but every day, no matter what, made it possible. Measuring progress was essential to keep it up.
The Five Friday Questions (CW21)
I end every week with a Friday Report and five questions, as we implemented it at OnSaPa GmbH to keep a consistent feedback relation.
What was good?
- Running run streak of 5005 kilometers. 871 days running, unbroken!
- Finally found a way to bring all personal costs together in one place
- Prepared for tomorrow’s first group WHY-discovery
- Refined personal & OnSaPa’s WHY-Statement
- Started the NFT boring creatures collectibles (already 6 creatures!)
- Followed up with 14 companies for Motion Freelance
- Updated first part of one year of bookkeeping for OnSaPa
- Updated physical filing, private & OnSaPa
- I followed through on going up at 5 am every morning
- Good meetings with three OnSaPa partners to guide them forward
- Guided my brother ahead for his yearly event
What to look at in the future?
- Decide what to push through on my Q2 OKRs to achieve a good score
- Update the OnSaPa website with its new offering
- Make examples/videos for each point in the strategy guide
- Focus on making new revenues
- Plan the vacation with Alessia Wiss. It’s time to energize
What was shitty?
- I had to stop the creation progress of a website for other tasks
- no revenues this week
What should stay as it is?
- My alignment of Why How What
- Productivity
What was neglected?
- I forgot celebrating OnSaPa’s first anniversary
That’s it for post #9 — I will be back next week.
Enjoy a wonderful weekend!