You can do it
Weekly Report CW 25
If you don’t feel talented, try effort.
In the book “GRIT” by Angela Duckworth, she writes about the philosophy of grit. Effort always counts twice. The formula for achievement is easy:
talent × effort = skill
skill × effort = achievement
I like this philosophy because I believe everyone can achieve more. It’s all about using the right methods, and this one is one that worked for me. But people acknowledge “talented” people much more because it means they have something they don’t. But putting in grit, working really hard is something everyone can do. So if someone says, “I just was relentless until I achieved what I wanted to” — then this means that we have to “work” for our achievements. That’s not so beautiful as the idea of being “talented,” and just everything falls into place.
For me, effort and being relentless is key. Using consistency over time as a friend. Today, I achieved 1000km this year with running. And it was my run streak of 900 days. It feels amazing. And everyone with legs can go for a run every day. It’s just effort and not talent at all.
Get more power back than you put in.
This week, I went through 4200 videos to put them into collections. I’m going to create time-lapses of one year running. You can see how trees get leaves and how they lose them. After the first year of running, I decided to start using a camera mount on my head every day for this project. It looks cheesy, but that’s fine. Then I shot from January 2020 to February 2021 these 4200 videos of the same roads and places. It took me about fourteen hours to sort these videos. On June 30, I have my NFT-Drop on Makersplace, and I want to auction the first loop to get financial support for this video project. This project aims to inspire people to take one step every day towards their bigger goals. To imagine great achievements, starting and quitting and not achieving takes much more energy than following through. Regret is not our friend. Regret sucks on our energy.
It’s time for me to go on vacation.
I can’t wait to take a break in July. And I can’t wait to work ahead when I’m back with new energies. Currently, I feel that I need to zoom out, look at all the minor and major tasks in my life, measure the Q2 OKRs and set new goals. I love to do this every time.
The Five Friday Questions (CW25)
I end every week with a Friday Report and five questions, as we implemented it at OnSaPa GmbH to keep a consistent feedback relation.
What was good?
- Sent a targeted application to a place where my friend works for a job as a user experience designer (40–60%)
- I changed my daily art to something more casual to slow down for a while
- Strategy Guide for a partner is done — just revisiting and signing off next Tuesday
What to look at in the future?
- Create the loop to raise money for running time-lapse
- OKRs review next week
- Cut OKRs for Q3 into half
What was shitty?
- I became unconscious during an off-topic conversation with a partner and made her feel “bad.
What should stay as it is?
- being relentless
What was neglected?
- OKRs review (but still time next week)
That’s it for post #13 — I will be back next week.
Enjoy a wonderful weekend!